Tuesday, 8 September 2009

test post

You make a link like this.

Add a YouTube video by embedding the code. Click on Edit HTML to do this, then paste in the code you found on YouTube.

Tuesday, 14 April 2009

Stephen Fry on Twitter

A nice video piece from Stephen Fry, explaining why he's a fan of Twitter, the micro blogging service. From an educational point of view his end comment, about using Twitter as a shared learning resource, is perhaps most relevant to those of us thinking about how it might be used within a learning context.

Stephen Fry on joys of Twitter

Thursday, 5 February 2009

snip test

~ Sir Arthur C. Clarke

During his talk at the Lift Conference in Geneva, Sugata Mitra discusses the implications of the remoteness of education as it relates to primary education. He puts forth the following questions:

Is it true that the more remote the school, the lower the quality of education?Where is educational technology better suited at this stage of its integration - remote areas or urban centers?Can technology alter the acquisition of values?Can education be self-organizing?

Thursday, 22 January 2009

Eyeless in Gaza

I was reminded of the lines from Milton's poem, Samson Agonistes, when reading about the following news development today:

Promise was that I
Should Israel from Philistian yoke deliver;
Ask for this great deliverer now, and find him
Eyeless in Gaza at the mill with slaves ...

The surprising news that caught my eye in the media world was the announcement that the BBC would not be televising an advert by the DEC (Disasters Emergency Committee) to raise funds for humanitarian aid in Gaza. The DEC is an umbrella organisation for 13 aid charities.

The BBC says that it was concerned about how aid would get through to Gaza, and given the fact that story is still current and being reported on, felt it might damage its impartiality were it to air the ad.

It's a convention that either all or none of the broadcasters carry DEC appeals in the UK, so shortly after the BBC announced it wouldn't be lending a hand, all the other major players fell into line.

I'd like to say I feel disappointment, outrage, or some other meaningful emotion at this decision. But having lived in Israel and visited Palestine on a number of occasions while there, I know that the complexities of the situation are so challenging, that I must admit to a sense of bewilderment.

So what does this tell us about the media, in terms of representation and institutional issues? Probably that nothing is ever as simple as it seems on the surface, and what we see and consume on TV won't necessarily have a logical reason for being there. Just as importantly, it's crucial, as observers of the media, to keep tabs on what gets left out of the schedules. The gaps, the silences, and the omissions, can be as revealing, important and worthy of study and debate, as the programmes we deconstruct and textually analyse.

test embed using Issuu

Monday, 19 January 2009

Here is an embedded video by Max.

Thursday, 15 January 2009

Train ride to nowhere

A former police officer in California has been charged with the murder of an unarmed black man at a railway station.   Source: BBC News

It was the night train home.
A man is forced off, losing his life.
Another tragic tale told in black and white.

The Prisoner

'Emmy-winning actor Patrick McGoohan, best known for starring in cult 1960s TV show The Prisoner, has died at the age of 80.'
Source: BBC News

Number Six made his name
Running from the clutches of Number One.
His race is done.